pointy shoe girls and why i'll never be one
sleepy and half caffienated, and running late for my 8am class i got on the muni this morning, walked toward the back where there is usually more space, and noticed a triad of women in really pointy shoes. they were like a triplicate mycanean goddess or something. even seated they were all clearly very tall with long legs and big feet, something they all flaunted with their shiny aligator/snakeskin/leather extremely long toed pointy shoes. i thought to myself, well theres a few kind of girls, all of them clearly identified by the shoe. yes thats right, i have categorized northamerican womankind according to shoe preference. here goes. theres the tall, slender, pointy statuesque girls who inevitably wear either those pointy toed boots or pointy heeled sandals. then theres the medium tall, kinda funky mission hipster types who rock the multicolored flats. theres the girls who favor the way up high almost platform clunky lotta bottom sole shoe. then theres me, in my (think minnie mouse) rounded, elaborately constructed yet neither completely flat nor overly platformy, cute but comfy shoes. this particular pair may be the cutest shoes ever. these ones have a split sole, are leather and clear rubber over the toe. all of these people are identified with the shoe. see those flat wearing chicks are inevitably tall enough to see at a concert, kinda funky and colorful, somewhat low maintenance, thus the slip on shoe. those extra tall long legged chicks rockin the pointy italian lookin shoe are long and elegant, but somewhat strange and sharp too. the clunky shoe girl is loads of fun, likes a lot of spring in her step, bouncy but not cheerleader, upbeat without being annoying about it. and the cute but comfy like me, are a mix of practical and fanciful. we like some dang arch support or wed rock those extra flat flats, but we dont really want a whole lot of extra crap on our soles. rocking all versions of the mary jane we are the kids who love a cute shoe, but want it to feel like a sneaker. and there you have it.
At 1:27 AM,
Jennifer said…
man u know i'm a chunky-sole girl and it aint got shit to do with putting bounce in my step. i have a 'short' complex. there, i said it. that's right- your pal cheets who is several inches taller than you has a complex about being SHORT. (i'm seeking help.)
At 1:45 PM,
Rachel R. said…
man i know you a chunky shoe girl, it was a pic of you in my head that i was describing as funky, bouncy but not like cheerleader.
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